Thursday, 22 September 2011

A Birthday to Remember!

On the 7th of September, I celebrated my 37th birthday by travelling to the Fleet Air Arm Museum in Yeovil.  It was also to celebrate my Dad’s 70th birthday, which had been a week or so earlier.

So we decided to take my Mum and Dad and Sara and myself too - hehe!  We set off early in the morning and arrived around 11am.  It was great to see my Dad excited about it, as he served in the RAF and used to fly Phantoms, and they had one there, which was going to be a big surprise for him.  We started to look at the planes and went up a level and then down a level in a lift, as we were trying to avoid a noisy part as Mum’s ears could not take it.  Now, Mum and I hate lifts, but at the end of the day we found them not too bad. LOL.

We took lots of photographs and had a great time, and when Dad saw the Phantom his face lit up and he wanted a photo or five taken.  This year we all spent the day together and I loved it, and thought it is not often I spend a whole day with my parents like that.  I think we will do something the same next year, as it was a birthday to remember.  I had some great presents from Sara too, which I love.  I got a new GPS, and Maxpedition bag and wallet.  Awesome!!

Hope you like the photos.

Enjoy time with your family!


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